Kate's Treasures is in a Competition!

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Good Evening all :) I haven't forgot about my blog, just don't have so much time to do everything I'd like... I've been very busy for Mother's Day and Easter so I wanted to thank you so much for all your orders. New babies are coming and it's mostly Boys as I did a lot of blue cakes lately.
One of the Nappy Prams I created is taking part in a competition and I would like to ask you for help to win it :)

The blue Nappy Pram was entered into a competition with More Than Mummies magazine. Please vote for it- here is how:

1. Click this link: http://www.morethanmummies.com/2013/04/nappy-cake-competition-vote-for-your-favourite/

2. Enter your name and Email on the form.

3. Select number 13 which is my entry.

4. Click submit

You can vote from 26th of April till 19th of May and you can vote each day. I would be very gratefull if you could spread the news and share this post with friends.

Thank you for your support

Kate xxx

So what you think about my Nappy Pram Design?

personalised nappy pram

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  1. danielle campbell

    You can just tell it was made out of love.. Well done its gorgeous xxx

    Posted on

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